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Luxury gold geometric shape frame

What Helps YOUR mental health?


8th Grade Student

Exploring different art forms such as music, drawing, and books helps to improve my mental health. Diving into a good book or sketching while listening to music helps relieve the pressure from my reality. Unwinding in a peaceful setting, enjoying my hobbies always makes me feel better.


6th Grade Student

I chose this picture because being near pets can improve your happiness, which also improves your mental health.

Luxury gold geometric shape frame


8th Grade Student

My pets

6th Grade Student

My pets improve my mental health because they can always cheer me up if I’m feeling down.

Luxury gold geometric shape frame
Luxury gold geometric shape frame


6th Grade Student

When I have a clean environment, or [am] cleaning my room, [it] causes me to feel stress free and calmer than having a dirty environment. In my opinion, just waking up to a clean bedroom makes me feel more refreshed and ready for the day. When waking up with a dirty bedroom, you just feel the opposite.

Luxury gold geometric shape frame